Well, drat, we do our best to make streaming easy and carefree, but sometimes bugs get in the way. Video problems are rare, but they can pop up from time to time. No matter the frequency, they’re always frustrating to deal with.
Let's start with some general troubleshooting tips:
- Double-check your internet connection
- Close the app or internet browser and reopen it
- Make sure you're running the most up-to-date version of the Boomerang App or internet browser
- Restart your mobile device or computer
Some mobile-specific tips:
- Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. It may sound silly, but it’s a reliable way to fix many issues with any mobile application.
- Check if your device is running a supported OS (5.0 or higher for Android devices and 10.0 or higher for iOS)
Some desktop-specific tips:
- Clear your internet browser cache
- Switch to a different browser; we recommend Google Chrome
If that doesn't solve the problem, let us know. Be sure to include what type of device you're using, the OS version, as well as any of the steps you’ve already tried.